
Handling Inline Comments in .env Files

django-environ provides an optional feature to parse inline comments in .env files. This is controlled by the parse_comments parameter in the read_env method.


  • Enabled (``parse_comments=True``): Inline comments starting with # will be ignored.

  • Disabled (``parse_comments=False``): The entire line, including comments, will be read as the value.

  • Default: The behavior is the same as when parse_comments=False.

Side Effects

While this feature can be useful for adding context to your .env files, it can introduce unexpected behavior. For example, if your value includes a # symbol, it will be truncated when parse_comments=True.

Why Disabled by Default?

In line with the project’s philosophy of being explicit and avoiding unexpected behavior, this feature is disabled by default. If you understand the implications and find the feature useful, you can enable it explicitly.


Here is an example demonstrating the different modes of handling inline comments.

.env file contents:

# .env file contents
BOOL_TRUE_WITH_COMMENT=True # This is a comment
STR_WITH_HASH=foo#bar # This is also a comment

Python code:

import environ

# Using parse_comments=True
env = environ.Env()
print(env('BOOL_TRUE_WITH_COMMENT'))  # Output: True
print(env('STR_WITH_HASH'))  # Output: foo

# Using parse_comments=False
env = environ.Env()
print(env('BOOL_TRUE_WITH_COMMENT'))  # Output: True # This is a comment
print(env('STR_WITH_HASH'))  # Output: foo#bar # This is also a comment

# Using default behavior
env = environ.Env()
print(env('BOOL_TRUE_WITH_COMMENT'))  # Output: True # This is a comment
print(env('STR_WITH_HASH'))  # Output: foo#bar # This is also a comment

Docker-style file based variables

Docker (swarm) and Kubernetes are two widely used platforms that store their secrets in tmpfs inside containers as individual files, providing a secure way to be able to share configuration data between containers.

Use environ.FileAwareEnv rather than environ.Env to first look for environment variables with _FILE appended. If found, their contents will be read from the file system and used instead.

For example, given an app with the following in its settings module:

import environ

env = environ.FileAwareEnv()

the example docker-compose.yml for would contain:

    external: true

      - secret_key
      - SECRET_KEY_FILE=/run/secrets/secret_key

Using unsafe characters in URLs

In order to use unsafe characters you have to encode with urllib.parse.quote() before you set into .env file. Encode only the value (i.e. the password) not the whole url.


See for reference.

Smart Casting

django-environ has a “Smart-casting” enabled by default, if you don’t provide a cast type, it will be detected from default type. This could raise side effects (see #192). To disable it use env.smart_cast = False.


The next major release will disable it by default.

Multiple redis cache locations

For redis cache, multiple master/slave or shard locations can be configured as follows:


Email settings

In order to set email configuration for Django you can use this code:

# The email() method is an alias for email_url().


SQLite urls

SQLite connects to file based databases. The same URL format is used, omitting the hostname, and using the “file” portion as the filename of the database. This has the effect of four slashes being present for an absolute

file path: sqlite:////full/path/to/your/database/file.sqlite.

Nested lists

Some settings such as Django’s ADMINS make use of nested lists. You can use something like this to handle similar cases.

ADMINS = [x.split(':') for x in env.list('DJANGO_ADMINS')]

# or use more specific function

from email.utils import getaddresses

# DJANGO_ADMINS=Alice Judge <>,
ADMINS = getaddresses([env('DJANGO_ADMINS')])

# another option is to use parseaddr from email.utils

# DJANGO_ADMINS="Blake <>, Alice Judge <>"
from email.utils import parseaddr

ADMINS = tuple(parseaddr(email) for email in env.list('DJANGO_ADMINS'))

Complex dict format

Sometimes we need to get a bit more complex dict type than usual. For example, consider Djangosaml2’s SAML_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING:

    'uid': ('username', ),
    'mail': ('email', ),
    'cn': ('first_name', ),
    'sn': ('last_name', ),

A dict of this format can be obtained as shown below:

.env file:

# .env file contents
SAML_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING="uid=username;mail=email;cn=first_name;sn=last_name;" file:

# file contents
import environ

env = environ.Env()

# {'uid': ('username',), 'mail': ('email',), 'cn': ('first_name',), 'sn': ('last_name',)}
    cast={'value': tuple},

Multiline value

To get multiline value pass multiline=True to `str()`.


You shouldn’t escape newline/tab characters yourself if you want to preserve the formatting.

The following example demonstrates the above:

.env file:

# .env file contents
ESCAPED_CERT=---BEGIN---\\n---END--- file:

# file contents
import environ

env = environ.Env()

print(env.str('UNQUOTED_CERT', multiline=True))
# ---BEGIN---
# ---END---

print(env.str('UNQUOTED_CERT', multiline=False))
# ---BEGIN---\r\n---END---

print(env.str('QUOTED_CERT', multiline=True))
# ---BEGIN---
# ---END---

print(env.str('QUOTED_CERT', multiline=False))
# ---BEGIN---\r\n---END---

print(env.str('ESCAPED_CERT', multiline=True))
# ---BEGIN---\
# ---END---

print(env.str('ESCAPED_CERT', multiline=False))
# ---BEGIN---\\n---END---

Proxy value

Values that being with a $ may be interpolated. Pass interpolate=True to environ.Env() to enable this feature:

import environ

env = environ.Env(interpolate=True)

>>> print(env.str('PROXY'))

Escape Proxy

If you’re having trouble with values starting with dollar sign ($) without the intention of proxying the value to another, You should enable the escape_proxy and prepend a backslash to it.

import environ

env = environ.Env()
env.escape_proxy = True

env.str('ESCAPED_VAR')  # $baz

Reading env files

Multiple env files

There is an ability point to the .env file location using an environment variable. This feature may be convenient in a production systems with a different .env file location.

The following example demonstrates the above:

# /etc/environment file contents
# .env file contents
env = environ.Env()
env.read_env(env.str('ENV_PATH', '.env'))

Now ENV_PATH=/etc/environment ./ runserver uses /etc/environment while ./ runserver uses .env.

Using Path objects when reading env

It is possible to use of pathlib.Path objects when reading environment file from the filesystem:

import os
import pathlib

import environ

# Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR('subdir').
BASE_DIR = environ.Path(__file__) - 3

env = environ.Env()

# The four lines below do the same:
env.read_env(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '.env'))
env.read_env(pathlib.Path(str(BASE_DIR)) / '.env')

Overwriting existing environment values from env files

If you want variables set within your env files to take higher precedence than an existing set environment variable, use the overwrite=True argument of environ.Env.read_env(). For example:

env = environ.Env()
env.read_env(BASE_DIR('.env'), overwrite=True)

Handling prefixes

Sometimes it is desirable to be able to prefix all environment variables. For example, if you are using Django, you may want to prefix all environment variables with DJANGO_. This can be done by setting the prefix to desired prefix. For example:

.env file:

# .env file contents
DJANGO_TEST="foo" file:

# file contents
import environ

env = environ.Env()
env.prefix = 'DJANGO_'

env.str('TEST')  # foo