Welcome to django-environ documentation¶
Release v0.12.0 (What's new?).
is the Python package that allows you to use
Twelve-factor methodology to configure your
Django application with environment variables.
The idea of this package is to unify a lot of packages that make the same stuff:
Take a string from os.environ
, parse and cast it to some of useful python
typed variables. To do that and to use the 12factor
approach, some connection strings are expressed as url, so this package can parse
it and return a urllib.parse.ParseResult
. These strings from os.environ
are loaded from a .env
file and filled in os.environ
with setdefault
method, to avoid to overwrite the real environ.
A similar approach is used in
Two Scoops of Django
book and explained in 12factor-django
Using django-environ
you can stop to make a lot of unversioned
to configure your app.
See cookiecutter-django
for a concrete example on using with a django project.
Feature Support
Fast and easy multi environment for deploy
with .env file variablesVariables casting
Url variables exploded to django specific package settings
Optional support for Docker-style file based config variables (use
instead ofenviron.Env
Full Table of Contents¶
The User Guide¶
This part of the documentation, which is mostly prose, begins with some background information about django-environ, then focuses on step-by-step instructions for getting the most out of django-environ.
The Community Guide¶
This part of the documentation, which is mostly prose, details the django-environ ecosystem and community.
The API Documentation / Guide¶
If you are looking for information on a specific function, class, or method, this part of the documentation is for you.
The Contributor Guide¶
If you want to contribute to the project, this part of the documentation is for you.
Should you have any question, any remark, or if you find a bug, or if there is
something you can’t do with the django-environ
, please
open an issue.
Project Information¶
is released under the MIT / X11 License,
its documentation lives at Read the Docs,
the code on GitHub,
and the latest release on PyPI.
It’s rigorously tested on Python 3.9+, and officially supports Django 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1.
If you’d like to contribute to django-environ
you’re most welcome!